Viscosity – Kinematic Converter

Viscosity - Kinematic Converter

About the Viscosity – Kinematic Converter Tool

The Viscosity – Kinematic Converter tool is a useful utility for converting between various viscosity-kinematic measurement units. Whether you are working in engineering, physics, or related fields, this tool can greatly assist in your tasks. Viscosity – Kinematic is a measure of the fluid’s internal resistance to flow under gravitational forces. This tool supports a wide range of units, ensuring you can convert between any necessary measurements with ease.

Viscosity – Kinematic Units and Their Conversion Values

Below is a table with short descriptions of the viscosity-kinematic units and their conversion values relative to the square meter per second (m²/s), the standard unit of viscosity-kinematic:

Unit NameSymbolDescriptionConversion to m²/s
Square meter per secondm²/sThe standard unit of kinematic viscosity in the International System of Units (SI).1 m²/s = 1 m²/s
Square meter per hourm²/hA unit of kinematic viscosity equal to one square meter per hour.1 m²/h = 0.00027778 m²/s
Square centimeter per secondcm²/sA smaller unit of kinematic viscosity.1 cm²/s = 0.0001 m²/s
Square millimeter per secondmm²/sA smaller unit of kinematic viscosity commonly used in various applications.1 mm²/s = 1e-6 m²/s
Square foot per secondft²/sA unit of kinematic viscosity used primarily in the US customary system.1 ft²/s = 0.092903 m²/s
Square foot per hourft²/hA unit of kinematic viscosity equal to one square foot per hour.1 ft²/h = 2.58064e-5 m²/s
Square inch per secondin²/sA unit of kinematic viscosity used primarily in the US customary system.1 in²/s = 0.00064516 m²/s
StokesStA unit of kinematic viscosity commonly used in older literature.1 St = 1e-4 m²/s
ExastokesEStA very large unit of kinematic viscosity.1 ESt = 1e14 m²/s
PetastokesPStA very large unit of kinematic viscosity.1 PSt = 1e11 m²/s
TerastokesTStA large unit of kinematic viscosity.1 TSt = 1e8 m²/s
GigastokesGStA large unit of kinematic viscosity.1 GSt = 1e5 m²/s
MegastokesMStA unit of kinematic viscosity.1 MSt = 1e2 m²/s
KilostokeskStA unit of kinematic viscosity.1 kSt = 1e-1 m²/s
HectostokeshStA unit of kinematic viscosity.1 hSt = 1e-2 m²/s
DekastokesdaStA unit of kinematic viscosity.1 daSt = 1e-3 m²/s
DecistokesdStA smaller unit of kinematic viscosity.1 dSt = 1e-5 m²/s
CentistokescStA smaller unit of kinematic viscosity commonly used in industry.1 cSt = 1e-6 m²/s
MillistokesmStA smaller unit of kinematic viscosity.1 mSt = 1e-7 m²/s
MicrostokesµStA very small unit of kinematic viscosity.1 µSt = 1e-10 m²/s
NanostokesnStA very small unit of kinematic viscosity.1 nSt = 1e-13 m²/s
PicostokespStA very small unit of kinematic viscosity.1 pSt = 1e-16 m²/s
FemtostokesfStAn extremely small unit of kinematic viscosity.1 fSt = 1e-19 m²/s
AttostokesaStAn extremely small unit of kinematic viscosity.1 aSt = 1e-22 m²/s

Benefits of the Viscosity – Kinematic Converter Tool

  • Simplifies the conversion process: Easily convert between different viscosity-kinematic units without complex calculations.
  • Saves time and reduces errors: Automatic and accurate conversions help you focus on your core tasks without worrying about mistakes.
  • Useful for various fields: Ideal for professionals and students in engineering, physics, and related disciplines.

How to Use the Viscosity – Kinematic Converter Tool

  1. Select the source unit: Choose the unit of measurement you want to convert from the first dropdown list.
  2. Select the target unit: Choose the unit you want to convert to from the second dropdown list.
  3. Enter the value: Input the numerical value you wish to convert in the source value textbox. The tool supports both integer and decimal values.
  4. View the converted value: The tool will automatically display the converted value in the target value textbox.


Q: Can I enter values with decimal points?

A: Yes, the tool supports both integer and floating-point numbers for precision.

Q: How accurate is the conversion?

A: The Viscosity – Kinematic Converter tool uses precise conversion factors to ensure high accuracy.

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